Saturday, June 16, 2012

Broken Bowl

I feel like in the past 17 months I have dealt with so many personal problems. That I have had to face things I have pushed away and didn't want to face. It is hard to figure them out but goodness it is wonderful. It is like I am this shattered bowl that I fixed nicely with duct tape but my mission has stripped the tape off one piece at a time and I am having to be fixed correctly. That Christ is restoring me to perfection. Not just patching me together with tape. It is scary to realize that I'm not as stable and whole as I pretend to be. But facing it is better than pretending nothing is wrong. I am coming to see that everyone has struggles and it is okay. That they don't have to be hidden. I can take then to Heavenly Father and through Christ they can be fixed. 


  1. I just love this! Its so true that we don't have to pretend to be all put together and perfect. As long as we have Christ in our lives and we allow Him to help us BECOME a little better each and every day!

  2. Sister Warwood you are incredible. And I can't see a single crack in your bowl. It's amazing how God's had His hand in all of our lives!
